Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sequence of Activities

First week

The teacher will show a documentary of the Civil War battle at Gettysburg (Civil War Minutes: Gettysburg and Stories of Valor)
The teacher will discuss and explain the significance of the battle and why it was fought
The students will write a one-page reflection paper about the battle

Second week

The students are assigned to groups (each group should have four members)
Assignment overview sheet is given out to each student
The students will be given time to brainstorm and decide whether they want to perform a video skit or do a PowerPoint presentation

Third week

Computer lab time and library time for research. During this time the students should research websites and clips on the handouts for additional information.
Students should have a good idea by this time what they want to do.
The Teacher will show the "do's" and "don'ts" of PowerPoint presentations ("How NOT to use PowerPoint!"
The Teacher will provide assistance on uploading video, sound, picture etc.
This is the final day to tie together loose ends. Students will have the opportunity to perfect their materials.
They should also take the time to do a dry-run through their presentations.

Forth week (presentation)

Each group will have an hour to present their PowerPoint or video.

Summary | Learner Analysis | Prerequisite Teacher Skills|
Objectives for the Lesson | materials & equipment |
Sequence of Activities | Learner Evaluation |

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