ED451 is an Audio Visual class taught by Dr. Cyrus. From the name alone, it is difficult to know what this class may entail. There were no books required, but I soon realized why. The name is very misleading. The name should be changed to Technology in the Classroom, or something that would point to the fact that the subject matter was about computers and the internet. Like all methods classes, this class was created to teach how teachers should use the current technology in the classrooms. For this there is a need for a clear lesson plan. The lesson plan that focuses on such usage was called the Assure Model Lesson Plan.
The ASSURE is an acronym for Analyze learners; State objectives; Select instructional methods, media and materials; Utilize media and materials; Require learner participation; and Evaluate and revise. This is a usual lesson plan format when it comes using multimedia materials in the classroom environment. Although the concept is simple, there are aspects that must be taken into careful consideration. These two components can be considered the most vital part o this lesson plan model. It is vital that objectives are stated clearly. It must something that can be observed physically. And finally, state objectives must be able to be evaluated, otherwise the objectives becomes invalid (http://www. unca.edu/education/edtech/techcourse/assure.htm). It has taken me some effort but I believe the importance of this fact. Everything a student learns must be evaluated. The lesson is on success if, and only if, the student is able to reciprocate and apply the concept the teacher is trying to convey.
The focus of my lesson plan was on how crime may or may not affect the economy or population of a U.S. city. There is a standard that must be followed. This is the NETS*T standard. This is the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers. There are five NETS*T standard. These are facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity; design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments; model digital-age work and learning; promote model digital citizenship and responsibility; and engage in professional growth and leadership. My Assure lesson plan primarily seem to touch on the 2 D, “provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching” (http://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=NETS). Students use the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in evaluates statistical data, and transform that data into a line chart. This chart will show relationship of the three factors of crime, economy and population. It is the use of technology to transform statistical data into an observable graph that helps show students, as well as, teach them what the information expresses. They learn the relationship of how crime affects or other facets of society.
This was my first attempt in creating an ASSURE lesson plan. I am still wary of using this model. But I believe that after constant practice and usage, I should develop the competency and understanding of the usefulness of this lesson plan model as it deals with multimedia materials. The world is ever changing. Technology is quickly advancing. It is the job as a teacher to prepare for these changes and prepare students to use these tools to manipulate the technology around them to their benefit.